Social Security Office in Mount Vernon, IL

You can reach Social Security Office in Mount Vernon, Illinois at the following street address and contact number, as well as using directions below. Please, share your experience about visiting this office, provide a review using the form at the end of this page.


Federal Building, 105 S 6th Street, Room 103
62864, Mount Vernon, Illinois

Phone: Local Number : 1-866-931-2549 National Toll-Free : 1-800-772-1213 TTY: 1-618-242-8050
Worktime: Monday 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Tuesday 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Wednesday 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Thursday 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Friday 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed
Except Federal Holidays
Directions: The Mt. Vernon, Illinois Social Security Office Is Located On State Rout E 15 Near The Downtown Area. I-57,i-64, And State Route 37 All Intersec T Route 15 West Of Our Location. A Visitor Coming To Mt. Vernon On Any Of These Routes Should Exit Onto State Route 15 And Proceed East , Continuing 3 Blocks East Of The Court House. The Office Is Located On The First Floor Of The Federal Building At 105 S. 6th Street. The Visitor Parking Lot Is On The East Side Of The Building.
Broadway St0.3 mi - 1 min
Mount Vernon, IL 62864, USA
0.3 mi - 1 min
1. Head east on Broadway St toward S 9th St
0.3 mi
2. Turn left onto S 6th St
Destination will be on the left
276 ft
Federal Building, 105 S 6th Street, Room 10362864, , Mount Vernon, Illinois

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Reviews, complaints and questions

Overall rating of this office:

Tammy Myers wrote on 22.05.2016 and gave a rating 4 of 5:

So I went in to just drop paperwork off and no reason to stay and wait.
the security officer said, "I need to sign in." I replied, "Where is the drop box?" He then laughed at me and said, "they haven't had a drop box in decades." I replied, "why not the other offices have them." He said, "they haven't had them in decades." I then replied, "yes they have, I dropped off paperwork in Rockford, Illinois for my cousin last year, I have dropped off paperwork in Tulsa, Ok. for my mother last year and that drop box is still there. I have dropped off paperwork in Florida for my mother last year and that drop box is still there. I have drop off paperwork in St. Louis, for my mom this year and its still there." He then began to argue with me, "no social security office has had a drop box in decades." So I replied to him, "No this office is obviously under a rock and that He lived under a rock too." I had a cousin in the office there waiting to be seen, so when I left He accused me of doing drugs. I have never done drugs, or smoked and I don't drink, nor does he have the right to accuse someone of things that are untrue. This is the worst office I have ever had to deal with and I have been where you have to wait all day to get seen even if you show up before the office opens. I would rather go to a office like that then to deal with unprofessional people in this office.

Tammy Myers wrote on 22.05.2016 and gave a rating 4 of 5:

another day I go into this office and I'm having a conversation with a lady in the waiting area and the security guy sees his way into our conversation. she disagrees with him but politely responds and answers him she gets thrown out because he said she's talking back to him when this conversation started with 2 parties. Then he told everyone after, "she needed to lay off the drugs." She did not act like anyone on drugs that I was talking to nor did he give her a piss test or blood test to accurately make that statement. That's very unprofessional

Tammy Myers wrote on 22.05.2016 and gave a rating 4 of 5:

so I go to this office to update my daughters stuff and when I speak to the gentleman that normally runs the front window, never changed anything
that I came in for. So I had to go again and luckily a lady was working and she made the change and it went through awesome. I asked her out loud "if the other guy worked here?" and she replied, "was he behind the counter?" and I said, "yes" then she said, "yes he works here" then I made the comment, "why didn't he make the change when I came in here 3 weeks ago." what she didn't know was and why I said it loud was the guy I'm referring to was seeing people at the other window. interesting why work at a job and not do your job....

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